Taking a break and giving the land some rest can be a great way to rejuvenate your garden. As a Young Living Brand Partner, I believe in being mindful of the environment and taking care of the earth. One way to do this is to follow the concept of Shmita, the Sabbath of The Land, as mentioned in the old testament. This allows the land to rest, replenish, and regain its nutrients naturally, making it more fertile and stronger. I encourage you to give your garden a rest, show gratitude for your land, and help care for it in a way that aligns with your values.
Read more...So many people who homestead or have small hobby farms love springtime. NOT ME!!! It’s muddy and poopy and....more mud and poop!
And it’s busy as heck!!!
We need to rework the pigs into a different paddock a theirs needs to have some work done. New shelters need to be built as they collapsed theirs this winter while apparently fighting for the prime position inside. We also have too many now in the one spot so need to work on separating them out some into different breeding and lineage groups.
Dirt, compost and wood chips need spread to expand the garden, but the piles are still pretty frozen.
More veggies need started inside STAT!
Sheep shelter needs cleaned out. We are done with lambing season early this year so we don't have to worry about birthing pens.
Did I mention mud and poop????
SO MUCH TO DO!!! And this doesn’t include sheering and processing and meat chickens and more pigs and......ahhhhhhhh
What does your spring look like?
61 Ways to Thieves
One Cleaner Replaces Them All!
...And it's not harmful!
If you want to rid your home of chemical cleaners, toss out those Hall of Shame products and replace them with just one cleaner— Thieves Household Cleaner. It is an all-natural, all-purpose, nontoxic cleaner made with the powerful Thieves essential oil blend. It does NOT contain those big bad phthalates or other harsh, harmful chemicals. And one bottle will clean EVERYTHING in your home! Don't mess with multiple bottles and products.
We use them not only all through our house but also through our barn and with our animals.
We use Thieves Household Cleaner to clean
Formulated with the power of Young Living’s Thieves oil blend, you can get a deep clean without dangerous or synthetic ingredients. Thieves cleaner also includes the scent of Lemon essential oil for an even more uplifting aroma and more vigorous clean. Chores will feel like less of a chore with the sweet-and-spicy scent and effective cleaning power of Thieves Household Cleaner.
Where can I use Thieves?
1. Oven (spray Thieves Cleaner full strength and let sit for an hour, rinse and wipe clean)
2. Laundry (1 capful Thieves Cleaner in 1 cup water, add to water for the wash cycle or add 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to the soap bin at beginning of the wash)
3. Paint stains (washing the affected area, clothes or surface with Thieves Cleaner full strength may help to take out the stain)
4. Juicing Machine (soak for 30 minutes the plastic and or metal cutting blades in a solution of full strength Thieves Cleaner with 3 Detoxzyme capsules (From Young Living) then clean with a nylon scrub brush)
5. Automatic Dishwasher (add 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to the bottom of the dishwasher)
6. Hand Dish washing (add 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to a sink of hot water (does not suds, but will get them clean).
7. Hand Washing extra dirty pots and pans
8. Counter tops - let sit for 1-2 minutes, wipe dry.
9. Refrigerator
10. Stove and oven fronts
11. Stove top
12. Shower tile
13. Mop floor
14. Toilet
15. Shower gunk
16. Shower glass
17. Windows
18. Window Sills
19. Base boards
20. Bathroom counters
21. Bathroom sinks
22. Shower curtain
23. Bath tub
24. Liquid hand soap
25. Use as dryer softener
26. Spots on fabric
27. Carpet Stains
28. Degreasing
29. Walls
30. Floors
31. Carpet (use in shampooer)
32. Silk plants
33. Concrete, patios, sidewalks, driveways, home siding or brick on home. If gunk is bad may need to spray full strength Thieves Cleaner.
34. Wallpaper removal – spray wallpaper area as needed, let sit and then pull off the paper. This will also help clean the woodwork on the way down and the flooring.
35. Phone
36. Door knobs
37. Toilet seats
38. Baseboards
39. Pet odors
40. Dog & cat beds
41. Live plants
42. Grout
43. Car interior
44. Patio furniture
45. Mini-blinds
46. Tires
47. BBQ grill grates
48. Office
49. Ceiling fan blades
50. Sneakers
51. Shoe cleaner
52. Luggage cleaner
53. Purses and handbags
54. Luggage
55. Exercise equipment
56. Clean sink overnight - spray, wipe in the morning
57. Diaper pail
58. Crib
59. High chairs
60. Toys
61. Anywhere & Everywhere!
Check out the entire line of Thieves products by clicking below.